Petersilie, LauraKafitz, Karl W.Neu, Louis A.Heiduschka, SonjaLe, StephaniePrigione, AlessandroRose R., Christine2024-06-062024-06-062024 brain organoids from human pluripotent stem cells are a powerful tool for studying human neural networks. This article presents a refined protocol for generating robust brain organoid slices derived from regionalized cortical organoids and grown at the air-liquid interphase. The procedures for slicing organoids and maintaining them in long-term culture are described. We then detail approaches for quality control including evaluation of cell death and cellular identity. Finally, we describe procedures for expression of a genetically-encoded nanosensor for ATP.enNATURAL SCIENCES::Biology::Cell and molecular biology::NeurobiologyPetersilie et al. 2024b - Figure 3Protocol for the generation of cultured cortical brain organoid slices (cBOS)Article